- Profesor: Roca I Cabarrocas Pere
- Profesor: Suchet Daniel
- Profesor: Roca I Cabarrocas Pere
- Profesor: Suchet Daniel
"Python have reaches n°4 of the top programming language in 2019 (Tiobe Index). Many applications and researches are based on this language. The Python rises is due to its large implementation over the last years in data sciences and machine learning and is became a must requirement for many job positions. Python for Beginners is a course for people who don’t have any background about programming. During this course you will learn how to install and call Python in your computer, how to manage the basic operations, how to organize your program, how to define and use a function, how to use files (csv), how to draw figures, how to use other functionalities like libraries and finally you will have exercises to practice what you have learn
- Profesor: Labbé Romain
Physics of living systems: networks, information processing, behavior
The interface between physics and biology is expanding rapidly, driven by progress in measurement methods (related to nanotechnologies, microfluidics, single molecule manipulations, optical imaging methods, massive sequencing, ...). These advances both enhance our fundamental understanding of living processes, and make possible new biomedical or bioengineering applications.
The scope of the course is two-fold:
- introduce concepts and quantitative methods, borrowed from statistical physics, information theory and machine learning to analyze, model, and study biological systems, with an emphasis on collective effects supporting biological functions and computations;
- apply these methods to real systems coming from all fields of biology, in particular neuroscience, immunology, genomics, molecular biology, evolutionary biology, etc. In practice, students will be given measurements data and will process them, by writing Python codes, and discuss the results. The emphasis will be put on methods, not on programming.
Requirements: basic level in statistical physics, elementary knowledge of biology.
- Profesor: Monasson Rémi
This is the second-semester internship of the M2 "High energy physics".
- Profesor: Mueller Thomas
- Profesor: Paganini Pascal
- Profesor: Picot Mylène
- Profesor: Mueller Thomas
- Profesor: Paganini Pascal
This course is the "training through research" version of the Year 3 project, with the focus on immersion in a laboratory and participation in a real research work, half-day per week. The access to high-tech equipment and facing open problems like in research labs represent a very useful training, regardless of the future profesionnal project. With the researcher supervising the project, each student will be able to acquire independently knowledge required for the project's good progress.
The proposed topics constitute a targeted work, directly linked with research activities at international level of welcoming laboratories. Projects are experimental, theorical or digital by nature, and can cover on fundamental or applied aspects. Once the framework is well defined, in particular the choice of day, taking into account the availability of the supervisor and the student, the work's progress can be freely managed.
- Profesor: De La Taille Christophe
- Profesor: Gallot Guilhem