This course is aimed at students with little or no previous experience of German.

The aim of the beginners' course is to give students the basic tools of the German language (grammar, vocabulary, phonetics) so that they can quickly communicate and converse in simple situations, answer questions and speak on subjects concerning their personalities and everyday environment. The course trains students to understand short authentic audio documents, to read simple texts (from everyday life, but also literary or journalistic) and to write short texts (short essays, dialogues, e-mails, stories, comments or subtitles on photos, film images, advertisements, etc.).

After this initial introduction to German, students are encouraged to take part in an internship in a German-speaking country.

Third-semester courses will enable students to reach level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and take the Goethe-Institut's Zertifikat Deutsch exam. The course will focus on enriching grammatical tools (passive, relative clauses, subjunctive II, expression of tense, infinitives, etc.) and deepening knowledge of German-speaking culture (literature, cinema, daily life, etc.). Students will also work on oral expression (dialogue, mini-lectures) and written expression (letter, e-mail, analysis of a painting, etc.).

The lesson will be devoted to enriching grammatical tools (passive, relative propositions, subjunctive II, expression of time, infinitives, etc.). Subjects (culture, civilization, daily life) will depend on the tastes and interests of the groups. In the long term, students should be able to function without too much difficulty in a German-speaking environment, for example during an internship

This drama workshop is aimed at B2 level students who want to improve their German through drama.

The programme includes theatrical exercises (improvisation, role-playing, etc.), playwriting, body and voice work, etc.

German current affairs

What’s going on in Germany at the moment? We will talk about politics, economy, culture, science, sports… The subjects are presented in videos, press articles, caricatures. The focus is on oral language skills – discussions, role-plays, presentations of sketches will help you to develop your German speaking skills.


Von Bach zu Berg. Deutsche Vokalmusik von der Reformation bis zum 20. Jahrhundert


Niveau B2/C1


Sie wissen schon alles über den Konjunktiv II. Umweltverschmutzung, Atomkraft und Wiedervereinigung sind zwar interessante Themen, aber Sie möchten Deutsch mal anders erleben... Wie wär’s denn mit einem bisschen Musik?


Bachs Kantaten, Schumanns Lieder, Bergs Opern... Erlkönig, der Lindenbaum, die Kindertotenlieder... Papageno, Fidelio, die Walküre... Kommen Sie mit auf unsere Entdeckungsreise!


Dieses Seminar möchte Ihnen eine kleine Reise durch die großen Epochen der deutschen Musik und Kultur anbieten. Es wird natürlich vor allem um Vokalmusik gehen: deutschsprachige Vokalmusik von der Zeit Luthers bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Auf unseren verschiedenen Stationen werden wir Texte lesen (Kantaten und Opernbücher, Gedichte von Goethe, Heine und Eichendorff, Luther-Lieder und Brecht-Songs) und Musik hören; wir werden aber auch diese Werke in ihren Kontext einordnen: verwandte Werke der bildenden Künste anschauen (Dürer, C. D. Friedrich, Kandinsky), einige theoretische Schriften lesen und kulturgeschichtliche Epochen zu umreißen versuchen. Viel Spaß für das Ohr, das Auge und die grauen Zellen, aber auch viel Arbeit!


Denn ein solches Seminar kann ohne aktive Mitarbeit der Studenten nicht gelingen. Neben kurzen, informativen Referaten und Klassendiskussionen wird es auch Aufsätze und eine kleine Abschlussarbeit zu einem freien Thema geben.


Ein intensives Seminar, für alle (motivierten) Schüler!

Who is the victim? The woman who was brutally murdered? Or rather her husband, who killed her, and whose intolerable moral torment inflicted by her during many years of marriage is revealed? Responsibilities shift and blur.

The stories of Ferdinand von Schirach (*1964) are profoundly disturbing and challenge our moral values. This lawyer specialising in criminal law succeeds in showing us that, placed in the same circumstances, victims of the same of the same twists of fate, we could have committed the same crimes.

The collections of short stories Verbrechen/Crimes (2009) and Schuld/Coupables (2010), based on cases from his archives, take us right to the heart of the mechanics of criminal cases and the psychology of those who commit them.

The language is simple, harsh and calculated, yet the stories lose none of their humanity.

In Germany alone, sales of Ferdinand von Schirach's books reached over a million copies in February 2012. In 2022, ‘Nachmittage’ also topped the sales charts. In several other countries, these works are best-sellers.

As well as the recent autobiographical texts (Kaffee und Zigaretten, 2019) and fascinating stories, you will be able to discover their various adaptations: two mini-series for German television ZDF (2015 & 2013).

As well as the recent autobiographical texts (Nachmittage, 2022) and fascinating stories, you will be able to discover their various film adaptations: two mini-series for German television ZDF (2015 & 2013).

The creative aim of this course is, inspired by Ferdinand von Schirach's short stories, to write (in pairs) a short story based on a news item of your choice.

I look forward to seeing your little masterpiece!


Assessment: 3 marks

- Active participation in course discussions

- Two written assignments:

A short story based on a news item of your choice (at least 4000 characters)

A review of an adaptation of a short story (2000 characters)

Coordinator: Christine VELAN

Period: Autumn & Spring

Number of hours : 30

ECTS credits : 3