- Teaching coordinator: Braun Pascal
- Teaching coordinator: Payen De La Garanderie Eléonore
- Teaching coordinator: Robert Carine
Organizations (businesses, research laboratories, public service, etc.) are all over in our porofessional and daily life. They modelise our lifestyle and societies. These organizations are powerful tools to organize the collective action sustainably, and will constitute the of your working life, regardless your future career.
Although familiar, they are actually complex in their dynamics and in various dimensions, both technic and human that make them up. From more than a century, management science - the "business" science, in the sense of the undertaking and results of this dynamic - has aimed to gain a better understanding of how companies function, and to provide managers with the benchmarks and tools they need to manage their internal and external complexities.
- Teaching coordinator: Alauze Mélissa
- Teaching coordinator: Azoulay Alexandre
- Teaching coordinator: Baly Olivier
- Teaching coordinator: Braun Pascal
- Teaching coordinator: Colin Laure
- Teaching coordinator: Eustache Lucas
- Teaching coordinator: Gabriagues Amélie
- Teaching coordinator: Juin Corentin
- Teaching coordinator: Le Pargneux Marie
- Teaching coordinator: Lelebina Olga
- Teaching coordinator: Massu Justine
- Teaching coordinator: Olive Anne-Lise
- Teaching coordinator: Pez Virginie
- Teaching coordinator: Rauch Sophie
- Teaching coordinator: Royère Thomas
- Teaching coordinator: Souchaud Antoine
- Teaching coordinator: Steux Chloé
- Teaching coordinator: Steyer Véronique
- Teaching coordinator: Toussaint Camille
- Teaching coordinator: Vuarin Louis
- Teaching coordinator: Welte Jean-Baptiste
- Teaching coordinator: Wurtz Olivier
- Teaching coordinator: Charue-Duboc Florence
- Teaching coordinator: Steyer Véronique