Welcome to lab sessions - INF633

Welcome to lab sessions - INF633

par Sundararaman Ramanasubramanyam,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Hello everyone!

My name is Ramana, and along with Paul, we will be assisting you during the lab sessions.

Our first lab session begins this Monday 18th, from 13:30 to 16:30.

Important Links:

GitHub repository: https://github.com/Paul-Hubert/inf633-2023-2024

GitHub page: https://paul-hubert.github.io/inf633-2023-2024/

Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/inf633-2024/shared_invite/zt-23aps6on9-1DH3O44SWfx0kLY4jhgxaw

Preparations before the first session:

- Join the Slack dedicated to this course. It will be used for general communication with the coordinators outside the lab hours. You will be able to ask questions, to ask for help on specific problems, etc...

- Have a look to the Github repository for the lab session, README.md and the dedicated github pages.

- The computers in the class will be equipped with Unity. However, if you wish to bring your own laptops and go though the lab with them, you are welcome! In that case: Follow the instructions in the README.md described above to install Unity. Make sure that you can launch it before the session by following the instructions in the Github Page and that there is no errors (i.e., the project contained in the repository opens successfully in Unity and it does not have any graphics/version issues).

- We recommend to fork the original repository, so you can push it to your own Github account and keep your progress saved (for example, if you make changes in the class computer, and then you want to keep working from your own laptop at home). You can decide which workflow suits you the best.

- Make sure that you have a text editor installed and configured for C#. Visual Studio Code is a popular option, but any other code editor can be used.

For the time during/after the sessions:

- The lab sessions are described in the Github Page for the repository.

- All sessions are visible from the beginning.

Attending the lab sessions is mandatory! The exercises will be the basis of the evaluated mini-project (see Moodle).

We look forward to seeing you on Monday! And if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us over Slack.


Ramana and Paul