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This course illustrates some pathologies and current methods to take charge of them. The pathologies chosen are those that represent the greatest challenges for our developed societies. This biomedical course highlights the biological substrate of pathologies and treatments as well as the economy of health.

The 10 blocks are:

  • Genetic diseases and gene therapy
  • Animal models
  • Medicine
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Diabetes
  • The origins of tumors
  • Therapies of tumors
  • Aging and tumors
  • Checking

It is suggested to have assimilated the courses of Molecular Biology and genetic information and Cell Biology and Development that precede this course.

These are not mandatory prerequisites, fundamental notions will be reviewed and the course aspires to be followed by any student who has an interest in biology and medicine. It should be pointed out that this course requires a lot of personal investment for those who have not done biology beforehand.

Course Language: French




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