Enrolment options

Do you feel embarrassed and shy when speaking English? Do you find it difficult to speak up when you are around other people?

Here’s how you can become more confident and take your English to the next level: join the Boost your English class to develop your skills in a relaxed and positive atmosphere!


Together, we will use a wide range of strategies to help you hone your competences, from games to competitions to debates in class.

Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises will be used to help you make progress, along with a variety of cultural references.


You will develop your English language skills through oral activities, listening comprehension, written expression, reading, vocabulary acquisition, grammar correction and revision adapted to the needs of the group. 


Types of activities

  • Speaking: Role-plays, improvisation, speaking games, debates, and more!

You will be expected to participate actively in all class activities.
Continuous assessment of participation, effort, motivation and progress will help you identify what you need to focus on.


  • Writing: Class logbook

Working on your writing skills will help you memorise vocabulary and grammar, and keep track of your own progression. A short weekly addition will be expected.


  • Listening and Reading: Part of the course will be dedicated to Linguaskill Test preparation


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