Enrolment options

In the discovery Lab sessions students will be introduced to basic experimental techniques, data analysis and interpretation, and documentation of experimental work.

Up to 6 experimental labs constitute this course, covering three main disciplines: Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry. Examples of projects carried out in previous years are harmonic oscillators, forces and equilibrium; kinematics and collisions; determination of fundamntal phyiscal constants (e.g. speed of light, Planck constant); construction and test of a lithium battery; polymers in molecular cuisine.

In the discovery Lab sessions students will be introduced to basic experimental techniques, data analysis and interpretation, and documentation of experimental work.

Up to 6 experimental labs constitute this course, covering three main disciplines: Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry. Examples of projects carried out in previous years are harmonic oscillators, forces and equilibrium; kinematics and collisions; determination of fundamntal phyiscal constants (e.g. speed of light, Planck constant); construction and test of a lithium battery; polymers in molecular cuisine.

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