Enrolment options

This option offers an initiation to research in anthropology to realize a first original research on a contemporary society, close or distant.

It involves writing a research dissertation in social anthropology on a subject of the student's choice according to their interest (topic, cultural area etc.), together with the responsible, who will orient them in this premiminary step. Together they will choose a researcher specialising in the subject from a general anthropology laboratory, a "cultural area" laboratory (African worlds, American worlds, India and South Asia, China, South-East Asia, etc.) or even a museum (Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, Musée de l'Homme, etc.). This researcher will provide individual supervision of the various aspects of the research: documentation in the library, archives or collections, field research and theoretical questions. Scientific activity also includes contact with social science researchers in the research units and participation in research seminars and conferences.

This work will only be based on documents but, ideally, it will include data collected personally during a field study lasting a few weeks. The dissertation writting will be supervized by the researcher-tutor and the responsible.

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