Enrolment options

Have you ever wanted to be someone else?

If so, your time has come!

Monday mornings are just for you!

From William Shakespeare to Quentin Tarentino, come and explore with us the genius of English-speaking theatre/scenarios/scripts.

No practical experience needed, only the desire to let go of yourself and plunge into another world.

Your destiny awaits you. Just do it!


Different skills will be honed in connection with some classics of the anglophone theatre: memorizing lines but also improvising; acting but also staging in different styles; analyzing texts but also writing your own dialogue.



This course will be a continuation of the “English Theatre” course proposed in P2, which tackles the British stage from Shakespeare to David Hare.

The course is based on the study of extracts from a variety of Anglophone playwrights. It alternates between critical analysis of the various texts and the actual acting of the scenes. It includes the use of video both to watch ‘classical’ versions of some plays and also to capture some of the performances in class. 

Different skills will be honed in connection with some classics of the anglophone theatre: memorizing lines but also improvising; acting but also staging in different styles; analyzing texts but also writing your own dialogue.



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