Enrolment options


Agustín Pérez-Barahona, CY Cergy Paris Université & École Polytechnique
Laura Recuero Virto, EMLV & École Polytechnique

Course objective:

Economists frequently underline economic activity as main cause of the current loss of
biodiversity, due to habitat transformation, pollution, resources depletion, etc.
Moreover, natural scientists and ecologists also point out the ecosystem services
provided by the diversity of life to the economy. Despite its importance, the interaction
between economic activity and biodiversity has been long neglected by many
economists and policymakers. However, the current situation of environmental
degradation and climate change has put the economics of biodiversity in the spotlight.
The general objective of this course is to present to the students the main notions of the
economics of biodiversity, together with the state of the art of this multidisciplinary

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