Cell Biology and Development

The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms. This course will reveal the organization, functions and
dysfunctions of the cell. Bio451 provides a broad introduction to cell biology, a discipline central to life sciences, at the interface with many other
aspects of biology but also with physics, chemistry, computer and engineering sciences.
After a quick description of the molecular components essential to living cells and of the key steps leading to the emergence of life on earth, students
will discover the dynamic organization of the cell. How cells can assemble to form complex multicellular organisms will also be discussed. Finally,
emphasis will be placed on the regulation of cellular functions (multiplication, dead cell, cell migration) by their microenvironment. This course will end
on notions of Virology and Oncology, pathologies associated with disruption of cellular functions, and thus confront students with the crucial health

Requirements :BIO451 provides strong and recommended knowledge for other second and third year biology courses. It is complementary to BIO452, and having followed BIO452 is recommended.

Langue du cours : French
Credits ECTS : 5