This course focuses on the description of light as a wave phenomenon. The coursestarts by reviewing the concepts of waves and oscillations in simple systems. It then turns to the way light is emitted by matter and covers dipole radiation, black body radiation as well as emission and absorption of light by atoms. The latter will be an opportunity to discuss the quantum behavior of matter and to introduce the electronic structure of atoms in a phenomenological manner. Light waves are then described in detail, with a focus on scattering, reflection and refraction at interfaces and polarization. The concept of coherence is developed along with its spectacular experimental manifestations in interferences and diffraction. Concrete examples and illustration of these phenomena will be given throughout the lectures, so that students, by the end course, should be able to explain why the sky is blue and the sun a bright yellow, how the fingerprint detection system of a smartphone works and more.

With this course, students will acquire a deeper physical understanding of wave phenomena, including the basic concepts of wave optics and light emission. They will master the analytical skills needed to solve basic problems in physical optics and wave physics in general.

PHY202 introduces the students to the basics of wave phenomena and focuses, in particular, on optical waves. The major concepts are first presented by studying oscillations from simple systems before waves in general are introduced. Light waves are then described in detail, with a focus on polarization, reflection and refraction at interfaces and scattering. The concept of coherence is developed along with its spectacular experimental manifestations in interferences and diffraction. The course then focuses on the way light is emitted in various situations and covers black body radiation, as well as emission and absorption of light by atoms. The latter provides an opportunity to discuss the quantum behavior of matter and to introduce the electronic structure of atoms in a phenomenological manner. Concrete examples and illustration of these phenomena, such as the principle of the laser, the temperature of stars, and spectroscopy in astrophysics, are given during the lectures.

Recommended previous courses: PHY103, PHY106

In Advanced Lab I, students have the opportunity to apply the physics knowledge they acquired in PHY201 and PHY202. PHY203 consists of 7 distinct lab sessions of 4 hours each. It provides an in-depth study of a wide range of physical phenomena such as electronics, wave-optics (diffraction, interference and polarization of light), and the mechanics of solid bodies (inertial reference frames, generalized coordinates and energy conservation laws, coupled oscillators). Upon course completion, students will have acquired advanced experimental skills allowing them to set up, carry out and analyze critically experiments in physics and mechanics.

Classical electrodynamics is an important pillar of physics given that it led to numerous scientific and technological developments since the 19th century. PHY 204 aims to provide students with an introduction to the principles and behaviors of dynamical electric and magnetic systems, and a theoretical foundation in classical field theory. It builds upon the knowledge acquired in PHY104 and begins with reminders in electrostatics and magnetostatics, before moving on to a more formal presentation of Maxwell’s equations in magnetic and dielectric media including local and integral forms, conservation laws, potential formulations and Gauge transformations. Applications of the electromagnetic theory such as free or guided propagation, optical phenomena or the emission of radiation by moving charges are presented as key concepts illustrating the development of modern technology.  Along the course, the students will work on a project that involves numerical simulations illustrating either a fundamental concept presented during the course (e.g. "Propagation of a wavepacket") or a specific application of classical electrodynamics (e.g. "How does the magnetic levitation train work?")

 Upon completion of this course, students will master the fundamental principles in classical electrodynamics. They will be able to understand the origin of Maxwell's equations in magnetic and dielectric media and their essential consequences. Besides deriving and solving simple models illustrating the main concepts, they will also be able to understand the physical principles governing everyday life and modern technological systems, from wave propagation phenomena to optical fibers, to antennas and electrical engines.

Topics covered in this course include: electrostatics, potential problems in 3D, boundary value problems, Poisson’s equation, multipole expansion; conservation laws; dia-para-ferro-magnetism, induction laws; field energy; displacement current; solution to Maxwell’s equations in vacuum; plane electromagnetic waves; waveguides and resonators; radiating systems.

Prerequisites: PHY101, PHY104, PHY105, PHY202
Recommended previous courses: PHY103, PHY106, PHY107, PHY201

Quantum physics is the theoretical framework for the description of nature at the atomic length scale and below. According to our present knowledge, it encompasses the most fundamental physical theory, and is the basis for everyday applications like semi-conductor electrons, lasers, medical imaging to name only a few. In PHY 205, students discover quantum physics through the formalism of Schrödinger’s wave mechanics, and learn to describe simple, non-relativistic quantum phenomena, mainly in one dimension, by applying mathematics of classical waves to which they have become familiar. Subsequently, they are introduced to the quantum-mechanical formalism of which the central notion is the quantum state. Students also become familiar with the underlying mathematical structures, Hilbert spaces and Hermitian operators, and discover the quantum description of known classical systems and concepts such as free motion, the harmonic oscillator and angular momentum. The course also allows students to explore purely quantum phenomena that have no classical counterpart, such as the electron spin, and a brief overview on quantum communication may be provided. Throughout the course, the abstract theory will be illustrated by historic experimental evidence and modern applications whenever appropriate.

 Upon completion of this course, students will be able to explain the conceptual difference between classical and quantum behavior, and solve simple one- or two-dimensional problems of quantum mechanics in the framework of wave mechanics. Furthermore, they will be able to wield the abstract formalism of quantum states in Hilbert spaces, and to apply it on simple quantum systems.

Recommended previous course: PHY203

In Advanced Lab II, students have the opportunity to apply the physics knowledge they have acquired in 7 distinct lab sessions of 4 hours each. PHY207 provides an in-depth study of a wide range of physical phenomena such as fundamental and applied wave-optics (Fourier optics, Michelson interferometry), atomic physics (the Balmer series), thermodynamics (the Rüchardt experiment, the Stirling engine) as well as fluid mechanics (surface waves).

Upon completion of this course, students will have acquired advanced experimental skills allowing them to set up, carry out and to critically analyze experiments in physics and mechanics.

Recommended previous course: PHY202

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser) holds a unique place in the heart of physicists. Lasers are at the same time a spectacular manifestation of a quantum phenomenon, a powerful and versatile tool ranging from industrial applications (laser processing, telemetry...) to fundamental research (spectroscopy, cold atoms,...) and a remarkable workbench to acquire a better understanding of key concepts in physics.

 PHY208 is an introduction to light-matter interactions through the intricate relationship between atoms and lasers. Importantly, this course will build on experimental situations, and introduce models with increasing complexity to explain the observed results. As the basic component of a laser is a source of light, the course will start with basic spectroscopy, and several atomic models will be considered (Bohr model, Einstein coefficients, Schrodinger model, etc.). The emission of continuous laser light by such atoms will be described from both a classical (effective medium) and semi-classical (population inversion) perspective. The mirror will then be turned back on the atoms, and several applications of laser light revealing the behavior of atoms will be discussed (Light, Stark and Zeeman shift, Rabi oscillations etc.). Finally, some practical perspectives on advanced laser technologies and applications will be given.

 This course will not add many new physical concepts, but rather show how results obtained in previous courses (especially in optics, classical and quantum mechanics) can be used. Upon completion of this course, students will have acquired key understandings concerning the bilateral interactions between laser devices and atoms. They will have understood the circumstances under which the emission of useful coherent light can be produced, and also the information that such light can provide when analyzing atomic systems. They will also be able to identify the relevance, necessity, and limitations that classical and quantum models display when analyzing problems in this field. They will also gain familiarity with some laser device technologies.