Intermediate Microeconomics (ECO201) sets up the basic formal models of consumer and firm behavior, decision making under uncertainty and strategic interactions (game theory, basic experimental & behavioral ideas). While mathematical reasoning and rigor is key when attending this course, an emphasis will be made on the economic intuitions behind the main results.

Additional issues are reviewed, including conditions for market efficiency, public goods, the effect of strategically used private information, market failures and their remedies, etc.

❯ Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern
Approach by Hal R. Varian.

❯ Advanced Microeconomic Theory. by Phil Reny and Geoffrey Jehle

Intermediate Microeconomics (ECO201) sets up the basic formal models of consumer and firm behavior, decision making under uncertainty and strategic interactions (game theory, basic experimental & behavioral ideas). While mathematical reasoning and rigor is key when attending this course, an emphasis will be made on the economic intuitions behind the main results.

Additional issues are reviewed, including conditions for market efficiency, public goods, the effect of strategically used private information, market failures and their remedies, etc.

❯ Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern
Approach by Hal R. Varian.

❯ Advanced Microeconomic Theory. by Phil Reny and Geoffrey Jehle

  • Ce cours vise à introduire les étudiants à la modélisation macroéconomique en couvrant les grandes questions comme la croissance économique, les choix de consommation et d’investissement, ainsi que les fluctuations économiques. Après une introduction aux modèles de croissance, notamment celui de Solow-Swan, les théories du cycle de vie et les modèles à générations imbriquées seront abordés. Les thèmes de l'inflation, du chômage, des flux de capitaux et de la politique monétaire seront également explorés. Enfin, l’impact du changement climatique sur les dynamiques macroéconomiques sera discuté.

Introduction to Econometrics (ECO203) introduces the most common ways to study and analyze economic data, with a focus on emphasizing data analysis for empirical causal inference. Topics include linear regressions, randomized trials, instrumental variables, and differences-in-differences. Students also learn how to study datasets through practical examples (R coding).

Textbook: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge / Basic Econometrics by Damodar N. Guarati and Dawn C. Porter.

Prerequisites: ECO101, ECO102 and ECO201.

Ce cours introduit aux problématiques fondamentales du système financiers - des marchés et des institutions faisant l'intermédiation entre épargne et investissement. Après une description informelle du système financier et une introduction aux bases de la comptabilité (bilan, compte de résultat), il décrit les bases de l'évaluation d'actifs, continue avec la théorie de la finance d'entreprise (théorème de Modigliani-Miller et ses déviations), puis se tourne vers l'étude des banques, des marchés financiers, des produits dérivés, et termine par une introduction à la finance verte. Lorsque que cela est possible, il relie la théorie à des problématiques contemporaines.

cours uniquement en anglais. voir description en anglais 

Each of the other 5 sessions introduces one aspect of economists’ current theoretical and empirical practices through reading and discussing famous controversies. For each thematic session, students will find on Moodle a package of articles and/or archival material (like correspondence) in which economists argue with each other on a fundamental aspect of economic science during the 1940s to 1980s, and today. 


At the beginning of each session, 1 or 2 groups of 4 students will be asked to:

-explain who the economists involved in the debates are, what social, political and economic context they were operating in, and what they were working on

-summarize the arguments (through staging a 10-15 minutes debate to re-enact the controversy)

-provide their opinion as to how the debate was solved, and where 2018 economists stand on these issues

The other students will then be invited to confront their interpretation of the articles presenting the controversy. I will end the session with a wrap-up lecture on how each question was debated since World War II and whether some kind of agreement has been reached in the last decade.

At the beginning of the first introductory session, I will set up groups, and allocate topics. You will then have a month to prepare your group presentation. Please feel free to reach me via email if you have questions.

 Each student is asked to read all the material provided in advance for each thematic session. I will put additional material and the lecture slides in moodle at the end of each session.