Discrete Mathematics MAA 103 (Year 1) explores the world of discrete mathematics which is a fundamental concept in many different areas of science and advanced mathematics. The first part of the course introduces basic notions in number and groups theory, and goes on with the study of the group of permutations. The second part of the course is devoted to probability theory on finite sets, the basics of graph theory and an introduction to Markov chains on finite spaces.
- Teaching coordinator: Alexopoulos Konstantinos
- Teaching coordinator: Dujardin Guillaume
- Teaching coordinator: Fantini Lorenzo
- Teaching coordinator: Fernández Baranda Ana
- Teaching coordinator: Kammerer Emmanuel
- Teaching coordinator: Prade Adriano
- Teaching coordinator: Zidani Housnaa
The aim of this course is to provide students with a working knowledge of basic mathematical algorithms and associated computer programming. We will cover several notions such as representation of numbers, rootfinding, polynomial approximation, numerical integration, and error analysis. A significant portion of the course will be devoted to implementation and experiments using Jupyter Notebooks with Python.
The grading will be based on the following elements:
- Very short tests (approx. 5min) at the beginning of the second lecture of each chapter, to ensure that you remember the main notions introduced during the first lecture of the chapter.
- A final exam (2h), during which you will have to complete a notebook with both theoretical answers (Markdown and Latex), code (Python), and illustrations. Authorized material during the exam: the notebooks used in the course that are provided on Moodle, as well as personnal class/lab notes.
The final grade will be computed as follows:
max(final exam, 2/3*final exam + 1/3*short tests).
- Teaching coordinator: Breden Maxime
- Teaching coordinator: Castellano Margherita
- Teaching coordinator: Girardin Oskar
- Teaching coordinator: Payan Maxime
- Teaching coordinator: Tazakkati Zoubaïr
Prerequisites: MAA101, MAA102
Mathematical Modeling (MAA107) introduces some basic mathematical models that find applications in mechanics, physics (for example mechanical systems), biology (population dynamics) and economics (pricing, contract theory). In particular, this course introduces some techniques such as Markov chains and ordinary differential equations with a hands-on approach.
- Teaching coordinator: Djete Mao Fabrice
- Teaching coordinator: Gentiloni Silveri Marta