Prerequisites: ECO101, ECO102

Intermediate Microeconomics

(ECO201) focuses on the study of

consumer and producer decisions and

interactions. It also introduces the

students to decision-making under

uncertainty and basic portfolio

theory, market equilibrium and

general equilibrium of the economy,

monopolistic and oligopolistic competition

among firms and other forms of strategic

interaction studied in Game Theory.

Additional issues are reviewed, including

conditions for market efficiency, public

goods, the effect of strategically used

private information, market failures and

their remedies, etc.


Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern

Approach by Hal R. Varian.

Intermediate Macroconomics (ECO 202) focusesonboththebusinesscycleandlong-termgrowth.Thegoalistounderstandtherelationshipbetweenkeymacroeconomicvariables;
consumption,investment,moneysupply,interestrate,inflation,unemployment,andGDPgrowth. Students investigatetheroleofmonetaryandfiscalpolicy, whilereviewinginternationalissues,suchasthebehaviorofexchangeratesand capitalflows.

Prerequisite: ECO101, ECO102
Introduction to Econometrics (ECO203)
introduces the most common ways to
study and analyze economic data, with
a focus on emphasizing data analysis for
empirical causal inference. Topics include
randomized trials, regression, instrumental
variables, differences-in-differences,
and regression discontinuity designs.
Students also learn how to study datasets
through practical examples.
❯ Introductory Econometrics: A Modern
Approach by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
❯ Basic Econometrics by Damodar N.
Guarati and Dawn C. Porter

Introduction to Econometrics (ECO203) introduces the most common ways to study and analyze economic data, with a focus on emphasizing data analysis for empirical causal inference. Topics include randomized trials, regression, instrumental variables, differences-in-differences, and regression discontinuity designs. Students also learn how to study datasets through practical examples.


Textbook: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge / Basic Econometrics by Damodar N. Guarati and Dawn C. Porter

Prerequisites: ECO101, ECO102 and ECO201.
This course introduces to basic issues
regarding the financial system, i.e. markets
and institutions intermediating
saving and investment. After an informal
description of the financial system, it
starts with basic asset pricing, continues
with corporate finance theory (Modigliani-
Miller theorem and its deviations),
then turns to the study of banking, insurance
and financial markets. Whenever
possible, it connects theory with contemporary

Introduction to Finance (ECO 204) introducesfundamentalideasofmodernportfoliotheoryandcorporatefinance.Topicsincludepresentvalueanddiscounting,interestratesandyieldtomaturity,variousfinancialinstrumentsincludingfinancialfutures,mutualfunds,theefficientmarkettheory,basicassetpricingtheory,thecapitalassetpricingmodel,modelsforpricingoptionsandothercontingentclaims,andtheuseofderivativesforhedging.

Prerequisite: ECO101, ECO102
This topics course is based on teamwork
in which students work in groups of
four or five to further explore economics
issues. In particular, students discuss
current events, create and test economic
models, while developing and analyzing
computer simulations.

The Economics Workshop (ECO 205) is based on teamwork in which students work in groups of four or five to further explore economics issues. In particular, students discuss current events, create and test economic models, while developing and analyzing computer simulations.