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Welcome to MAA312! The topic of this course is the numerical simulation of ODE's.

Let's get one question out of the way immediately: your final grade will be calculated as follows:
  • Quizz after each class: 20%.
  • One assignement from TD (in the form of a Jupyter notebook): 20%
  • Test: 20%
  • Final exam: 40%. 
  • Attendance and participation: bonus points between 0 and 2/20 given by the TAs.
Quizzes are open the day of the lecture and must be completed before they close the following Monday at noon.
The test will take place during the second hour of the class on 11/05.

Students must pair to complete together the assignment. Pairs can be composed of students of two different groups.
The first assignment will be given on 16/05. It must be turned back before 23/05 1pm on Moodle.
You can find this information as well as the description of the course in the Syllabus.
The course MAA207 "Series of functions, differential equations" is a pre-requisite.

And now, on to the science !

We will use two textbooks:
-Numerical Mathematics, Chapter 11, by A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, F. Saleri, for the numerical aspects;
-Differential Equations, dynamical systems and an introduction to Chaos, Chapters 3, 8 & 9, by M. Hirsch, S. Smale and R. Devaney, for the qualitative aspects.
Both books are available at the BCX (both electronic and hard copies)
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