Opciones de matriculación

ECO 567A: Environmental Economics and Geography

Professor Geoffrey Barrows




This course examines the supply and demand of environmental goods in heterogeneous regions.  The course first introduces externalities into the neoclassical model and then studies different policy options for correcting market failures stemming from these externalities.  Drawing on recent empirical evidence, the course then examines how agents sort across space when environmental quality differs between regions.  We pay particular attention to the supply and demand of energy, which directly impacts both local and global pollution. Finally, the course considers how trade between regions impacts pollution, and the heterogeneous impacts of global climate change on welfare.


ECO 567A: Environmental Economics and Geography

Professor Geoffrey Barrows




This course examines the supply and demand of environmental goods in heterogeneous regions.  The course first introduces externalities into the neoclassical model and then studies different policy options for correcting market failures stemming from these externalities.  Drawing on recent empirical evidence, the course then examines how agents sort across space when environmental quality differs between regions.  We pay particular attention to the supply and demand of energy, which directly impacts both local and global pollution. Finally, the course considers how trade between regions impacts pollution, and the heterogeneous impacts of global climate change on welfare.

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