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PHY560A - Complex systems

The goal of this course on "Complex Systems'' and advanced statistical physics is to show how the concepts and techniques developed in  statistical mechanics and probability theory can be relevant to study the emergence of complexity from  collective and stochastic behaviour. The lectures will put the emphasis on some key ideas such as scaling,  universality, Brownian motion and criticality and explain how elementary  models, that often present isomorphic mathematical structures, can be applied to many different fields. These ideas will be illustrated on examples from  random geometry, growth processes, critical phenomena,  genetic models, network  percolation,  information  coding and finance.


Prerequisite: Relevant concepts will be developed during the course and there are no special prerequisites. Familiarity with Statistical Physics (PHY433 - Physique statistique) and/or on Probability Theory (such as MAP361) can be useful.
Language: English

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