Enrolment options

These projects are based on a course or EA and enable to deepen the covered notions implementing, on a concrete problem, a complete project approach. It is part of the "Science for the Environmental Challenges" PA and is designed to make use of several taught disciplines: mechanics, physics, biology, economy and social science. If the code (MEC513) doesn't include abbrevations of these five departments, it is due to the interest of administrative simplicity; e.g. an interdisciplinary project between biology and economy can be managed under this code.

A list of the proposed projects is updated on http://www.coriolis.polytechnique.fr/SDE/SDE_1617/MEC513.html

The implemented methods will depend of the problem, involved disciplines and framework. They can include data analyses, digital modeling, experimental work or bibliogrpahic researches.

You will work in pairs and will generally be able to direct your study in the direction of your choice. You will benefit a scientific framework on the subject itself and technique on implementation.



  • End of P1: Redaction of a non-graded report and interview
  • End of P2: Redaction of a scientific report (20-30 pages) and defense (30 minutes + questions)


Course language: French

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