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This course is about solid mechanics within the general framework of deformable continuum systems in three spatial dimensions. It relies on notions of tensor calculus, kinematics in large deformations, conservation laws, behavior laws, particularly in the elastic domain, boundary problems and energy methods. As will be demonstrated throughout the course via numerous examples, these tools allow the analysis and design of complex structures made up of a broad range of materials and of industrial, medical, and environmental interests.


No prerequisites are required, except for a basic mathematical basis in differential calculus and linear algebra. The course Mécanique des Milieux Déformables MEC430 is not a pre-requisite but eases the understanding of the first lectures.


  • Patrick Le Tallec (2023) Mécanique des Solides https://moodle.polytechnique.fr/course/view.php?id=14794

Other useful references:

  • W. OGDEN (1997). Non-Linear Elastic Deformations. Dover.
  • E. GURTIN (2003). An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics. Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol 158.
  • LOPEZ-PAMIES (2021). The Mechanics of Solids. Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique.
  • TRUESDELL, W. NOLL (2004). The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics. Third Edition, Springer.
  • LE TALLEC (2009). Modélisation et Calcul des Milieux Continus. Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique.


The course will be organized in 10 sessions. The lectures will be taught in French and the PC will be in French or in English depending on the choice of the student.

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