Enrolment options

Professors in charge of the option:
Grégoire Allaire
Email: gregoire.allaire@polytechnique.edu

Samuel Amstutz
Email: samuel.amstutz@polytechnique.edu

Secretariat of the Applied Mathematics Department
Tel.: 01 69 33 46 07.
Fax: 01 69 33 46 46.
Email: leyla.marzuk.polytechnique.edu


Modeling is a process that formalizes a concrete issue in terms of accessible mathematics to analyze and to digital calculation.

Scientific calculation is the interdisciplinary field that brings together methods and algorithms enabling to conduct - with computer - digital simulations based on a scientific approach. Most of the models involve equations (differential or partial derivative) too complicated to be solved through basic methods or with techniques of formal calculation. Scientific calculation offers to give to these models. The development of scientific calculation is related to the steady increase of the computer power. It is therefore a sector in continuous evolution.

Companies using and developing the modelisation and scientific calculation are just as large state or private companies charged to conceive and develop complex systems as little companies or Internet startups specialized in software development. They intervene in all business lines: aeronautics and spatial, energy and environment, automobile, services and telecommunications, civil engineering. Reserved not so long ago to dimensioning and verification of complex systems, digital simulation is widespread as it allows to save important times on design cycles and production of new products more basic. The design of objects or systems is often responding to general specifications is formalized as a stressed optimization issue. Modeling and scientific calculation are therefore often used in combination with optimization methods.


Internships from April to July:

The "Modeling and Scientific Computing" option is designed for students searching a training in this speciality, either to address an industrial issue, or to initiate research, regardless of their future career choices. For those who wish to take the "mathematics of modalization" option of the Master of Applied Mathematics of the Ecole Polytechnique (in co-supervision with Sorbonne University), the internship can be a first major step. For the motivated student who want to go abroad during their research internship, it is possible to find subjects of internships in foreign universities.

Example of internships of the earlier years:

  • Adaptative methods and multiscales.
  • Assessment and design of optical fiber systems.
  • Opposite problem in electromagnetism.
  • Aeroelastic modeling.
  • Numerical methods for Maxwell equations.


Host organizations:

  • Public research laboratories: CEA, CEMAGREF, IFREMER, IFPEN, INRIA, ONERA, Engineering schools and Universities.
  • Large companies and applied centers of research: Airbus, Dassault Aviation, EDF, Michelin, PSA, Renault, Safran, Schlumberger, Thales, Total, Valéo.
  • Foreign host organizations: American, Asian, or European universities.


Required level: Have taken the digital analysis and/or optimization courses
Evaluation modalities: Written report and defense
Course language: French

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