Enrolment options

Director of the option:
Grégoire Allaire
Email: stages-map591@cmap.polytechnique.fr

Secretariat of the Applied Mathematics Department
Tel.: 01 69 33 46 07
Fax: 01 69 33 46 46.
Email: leyla.marzuk@polytechnique.edu


The analysis and automatic processing of the information in signals or images is a major sector of data processing wich applications are significative. There is a wide range of scopes: medical imaging, learning and recognition (images or speaking), computer vision, opposite problems, compression, telecommunications...

Internships are offered in France or abroad, in the industrial sector or in centers of research.
Our foreign partners are in Europe (UK, Germany, Austrich, Switzerland), but also in the United States, Australia...
In any case, the aim is to give students the opportunity to take part in research work or an innovative industrial development, while enriching their knowledge. All these internships include a modeling and implementing part with a ratio depending of the internship.

This option is in the of the MAP555 course of Signal processing, but it is not a prerequisite.

An internship catalog is available online but we are at your disposal to help you buiding your dream internship on this topic.


Course language: French

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