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Modeling biological and ecological systems is at the center of many major scientific issues: biodiversity and evolution, health, environment and sustainable development, spreading epidemics...

Evolving living systems are fundamentally random: moves, reproductions, predations, mutations, contaminations... The course will develop the main probabilistic models in population dynamics and genetics: stochastic differential equations, jump process, coalescents. It will give the keys of long term analysis of these models to establish for example, persitance, coexistence or population extinction and invasion or setting phenomenon. It will also highlight the different changes in time and scales, allowing these models to be linked or compare them by models simpler to study, especially deterministic differential equations.


Random walks, brownian move and diffusions. Poisson point process, birth-death process, branching process. Wright-Fisher models, Kingman's coalescent.

Numerus Clausus : 70 students at the max
Evaluation modalities: final exam
Course language: French

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