Karim Basbous
E-mail : karim.basbous@polytechnique.edu
The ecological emergency, urban development in emerging countries and urban sprawl are making the territory a reality in the midst of redefinition, opening up numerous avenues for research, particularly in building construction, urban planning and transport organization.
The research works that students might undertake cover sustainable development from the material perspective, built forms and flow and transport management optimization.
Analysis of the territory is also a key moment in conducting major projects, whether it is the Grand Paris or Gulf or Far East emerging cities.
The internships can take place in laboratories (e.i.: LAVUE in France, Ecole Polytechnique of the Sao Paulo Universities, CSIRO in Australia), administations, design studios (RATP, SNCF), or architecture agencies.
Among laboratories, European institutions you could contact, here are a few which, far from constituting an exhaustive list, give you a few ideas. I am at the disposal of interested students to provide, during an interview, names of researchers in such and such establishments (please do not hesitate to contact me by email to discuss your leads or any of those mentioned below).
1.1 The LATTS (Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés), under the supervision of the University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, the Ecole des Ponts, and the CNRS (UMR 8134).
Website: http://latts.cnrs.fr/
This lab regroups 32 researchers under the direction of Olivier Coutard, axed on the topics of technology, innovation, and on infrastrucutres, network, intitutions and territories.
I draw your attention on the fact that the Paris-Est PRES (Pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur) launched the "Urban futures" project, a sort of federation of several labs in order to study urban issues by integrating environmental, social and economical dimensions.
1.2 The LVMT (Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport) where around 60 researchers work on problematics combining questions of mobility, infractures, urban policies in the contemporary city.
Website: http://www.lvmt.fr
1.3 I also encourage to look at research areas in geography. The geographer perspective on the territory makes additional efforts in our time, when the analysis of mobility and scale is reconsidering notions of the local and the global, using tools that parallel those of developers, urban planners and architects. I'm thinking in particular of the UMR Géographie-Cités.
Website: http://www.parisgeo.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article73
1.4 The LSE: London School of Economics, "Regional and Urban Planning Studies" department
Link: http://www2.lse.ac.uk/geographyAndEnvironment/Study%20Here/graduateProgrammes/regionalAndUrbanPlanning/Home.aspx
Alumni in France created a site: http://www.lsefrance.org/
1.5 The CIESIN - Columbia University. Contact: Xiaoshi Xing ; email: xxiaoshi@ciesin.columbia.edu
X students have already done internships there.
1.6 University of Western Sydney. It's a relatively young university, in full development. One student of the X has already done an intership on ecology.
1.7 University of Montreal - Bachelor of Urban Planning. This structure has welcomed in 2016 Pierre Dohet, student of the X. Observatory of sustainable mobility, contact: sebastien.lord@umontreal.ca
Note: I would like to precise that in these labs researchers are often very indepedent, as the material resources of these labs are often limited. A possible registration in one of these labs could be done in parallel with "field" work in an urban planning or architecture studio, or in a company. Thus, the workshop experience could be the subject of reflective work in the lab, based on theoretical references, with the aim of preparing the internship report.
Website: http://www.versailles.archi.fr/index.php?page=recherche&rubrique=laboratoire
Link of the RE-MAP: http://www.versailles.archi.fr/index.php?page=recherche&rubrique=equipes_remap
2.1 The LEAV (Laboratoire de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles), grouping several teams of researchers, including the team named RE-MAP (Reseerch, metropolis, architectures, politicies).
2.2 The IPRAUS (institut Parisien de Recherche Architecture Urbanistique Société), a research laboratory of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville (UMR 3329 Ausser).
2.3 The LIAT (Laboratoire Infrastructure, Architecture, Territoire), in the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais. This lab is also subject to UMR 3329 Ausser, created in 2010 and bringing together research teams from Ecoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture of Paris-Belleville and of Paris-Malaquais.
Website: http://www.paris-malaquais.archi.fr/laboratoire-liat-84-1.html
Under the direction of Dominique Rouillard, this lab works on infrastructures, network and urbanism. The opening up of this lab to related disciplines has brought in geographers and engineers alongside architects and historians.
2.4 LAVUE (Le laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environnement), in the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-va-de-Seine.
Website: http://www.paris-valdeseine.archi.fr/pedagogie/recherche.php
This lab, led by Jean-Pierre Lévy, brings together five research teams. Among the privilegied topics of the lab, there are urban policies, sustainable development and environment.
2.5 I also encourage you to get more information from the RAMAU (Architectural and urban research network).
Website: http://www.paris-lavillette.archi.fr/ramau/
Here are some names who run a studio that is regularly mandated for urban studies:
- Richez Associés: http://www.richezassocies.com/projets.htm (one student of the X has already done an internship there)
- Jean-Pierre Buffi http://www.buffi-associes.com/ particularly the Intens-Cité sector (currently building): http://www.a-i-a.fr/itc/index.html
- Bruno Fortier, who worked on the rebuilding of new neighborhoods of the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Address: 160, Rue du Temple 75003 Paris Tel. 0148878731.
- Christian Devillers, teacher, a dedicated practitioner of urban space planning. http://www.agencedevillers.com
- Jacques Ferrier (works particularly on the "tours environnementales" in partnership with industrialists): www.jacques-ferrier.com/
- In Milan: Bernardo Secchi, architect et urban planner, international consultent on the territorial and ecology issues. http://www.secchi-vigano.it/
There are plenty of them, so don't hesitate to identify for yourself a workshop whose work interests you.
4.1. RATP:
4.2 CSTB:
4.3 The SYSTRA Group:
4.4 The SEMAPA ().
4.5 The CERTU () in Lyon
4.6 For example:
4.7 SNCF:
4.9 The Condorcet Campus ():
4.10 Paris airports
4.11 Grand Paris studio
4.12 Abroad ()
4.13 Abroad ()
4.14 Regional Directorate of Alsace, Transport deparment
4.15 Vinci.
You can also direct towards urban planning agencies (), including:
5.1 IAURIF : Institut Paris Région.
Website: https://en.institutparisregion.fr/
5.2 A’URBA : Urban planning agency of Bordeaux, which works in partnership with the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat.
Website: http://www.aurba.org/
5.3 URBALYON : Urban planning agency of Lyon.
Website: https://www.urbalyon.org/fr
Course language: French
- Teaching coordinator: Piechaczyk Brice