Thomas Lindemann (Tél à l'X 3363)
Anne Dulphy (Tél à l'X 3357)
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The geopolitics internships are aimed at students wishing to acquire a high level of expertise in conflicts, security policies and violence prevention. The nternships provide a better understanding of the wide range of conflict situations (e.g. ). They prepare you for direct entry into the world of work through a preparation to the security and prevention careers () but also to analysis functions () in private and public organizations. There are several possible themes for courses in geopolitics: origins and of international violence, prevention and management of crisis and conflict, military strategies, global security.
The question of origins and reasons of international violence is at the very origin of the International relation discipline, with the creation of a first chair in the Aberystwyth Univeristy in 1919, and it continues to be the subject of a great deal of research, both quantitative (database on frequence, time and intensity of armed conflicts and their "correlation" with political or economical variables) and qualitative. More recently, the issues have been extended to the study of transnational non-state conflicts with increased focus on asymmetrical conflicts. There are many organisms in Europ recruiting interns to take part in research into international violence: PRIO (Peace Research Institut of Oslo), SIPRI (Stockhom International Peace Research Institut), HSFK (Hessische Stiftung für Friedens-und Konfliktforschung) in Frankfurt or HIIL (Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung).
For the prevention and management of crisis and conflict, ideally, it involves anticipating crises, or even internal or international violence. We have contacts for internships at the Ministry of the Interior in the "national security planning and crisis management" department. Furthermore, IRSEM (Institute for Strategic Research at the Military School) is willing to take on trainees, particularly on the subjects of international crisis management or rivalry between major powers (China, Russia, United States).
For the analysis of military strategies and their development, armament policies and the management of armed conflicts, internships can be at the CESA (Centre d'études stratégiques aérospatiales), DAS (Délégation générales des relations internationales), but also IRSEM, or even in a think thank (such as RAND Corporation).
Finally, internships can be based on questions of global security, where it would involve assessing the "reliability" of economic partners in "at-risk" countries, for example.
Course language: French
- Teaching coordinator: Lindemann Thomas