Enrolment options

M. Vincent Martigny (Tel in the X: 3358)
E-mail: vincent.martigny@polytechnique.edu


This option is open to every student registered in the Polytechnician program. It is highly recommandend to those intending to enter the civil service or prepare for administrative competitions (ENA, Quai d’Orsay…), or to a 4th year in Sciences Po. It is also designed to every student who wish gaining an intership experience in the high public service to serve the general interests.

It offers a research works based on live issue of scientific and technical, administrative and political, institutional, social or financial nature, that are raised within the exercise of the public task. This work is carried out as part of an intership in State or public service sector.

Choosing this option enables you to gain an understanding of how public and parapublic service work, to its mind spririt, modernity, and gives a glimpse the variety of job opportunities in this sector.

The institution in which the internship takes place can be proposed by a student, or chosen among a internship catalogue of the HSS Department, in administration (cabinet of the prefect of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Ecological Transition, Ministry of Culture...), in State agencies (French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), ARCEP…), in public institutions (General Inspectorate of Finance...), or even in the council of public service sector (Jacques Attali's Council cabinet).


Course language: French

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