Opciones de matriculación

Eurasia is like, for more than one reason, a particulary pertinent area to assess the great geopolitical mutations and the changes in the international security since the end of the Cold War. The Eurasiatic area is shaped by the passage of several empires, focuses the interests and ation of the main power of the 21st century - Wether they be States or major international organizations (old and new). Moreover, economical powers - the ones of the G7 but also the "emerging" ones - search to deploy its interests.

The regional impact in the chaotic situation in Afghanistan, Georgian War (2008), conflict in Ukraine (from 2014) or acerbic rivalities over the sharing and disposal of hydro-carbon ressources (Caspian, Central Asia, etc.) are causing a major fluidity in the strategic and geopolitical balances in this area. Besides, Eurasia covers all the major risks and issues of transnational security that mobilize the international community efforts - failed states, "frozen" conflicts, international terrorism, interethical problems, transnational organized criminality...

A direct neighbourg since its enlargement in 2004, European Union has been seeking to be more involved in this area, What Russia - exercing its power on a hegemonic way - receives in a very defensive way, as does NATO gradual opening to Central and Oriental European counties. China is also developing its influence, its "new " project structuring its action in Eurasia. Turkey is apparently increasingly interested in this area, while seeking ways of a modus vivendi with Moscow.

The war Russia started against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, for some resulting from the Moscow's incapacity to think its existence beside an imperialist instinct, for other a consequence of the persitency of the strategical confrontation spirit between Russia and the Western world, will either way reshuffling the cards of European and Eurasian geopolics in the coming years.


Course language: French

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