Opciones de matriculación

This seminar is an introduction to some of major contemporary political challenges.

It covers the main problems that feed current topics in a pluridisciplinary and contemporary perspective combining political science, history and sociology.

The seminar is particularly indicated for students planning to join one of the sections of the civil service, and for those who want to prepare the  of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (including the general culture test), but it is more generally addressed to all students who wish deepen their knowledge on the today's major political challenges.




The seminar aims to prepare students for oral summaries and analysis. More specifically, everyone is asked to participate in the collective reflection through two exercises:

  • an analys of the day's text in an oral presentation of 10 minutes, followed by a discussion with the class
  • a 10-minute oral presentation

An oral participation will also be evaluated throughout the year.

The course relies on a leaflet gathering reference texts which must be read before each class so that students can play a useful part in the reflection and discussion.

Students who want to prepare the competitive exam of the ENA may, if requested, submit written work for correction.


Course language: French

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