Enrolment options

Arts and Religion

The seminar will open chapters, but will not be exhaustive. It offers an approach to major liturgical or para-liturgical works and comparatively points to several issues opened to individual reflection and study.

It seeks to integrate all religious and artistic forms whatever it is, and the emphasis will be able to be shifted, according to the interests of the group (and the skills of the teacher or a guest). However, it will be based on the Christian religion and its relationship to music (and therefore to spoken words).

It will be offered to students to attend some events, in small groups, among these tracks as a guide:

-Sunday 9am. Ordinary rite mass according to Vatican II, but in Latin and Gregorian chant. Lauds at 8:30 am during Advent and Lent. Église des Missions étrangères, 128 rue du Bac, 75007 Paris.

-Sunday 10am. Byzantine Orthodox Rite Mass Cathédrale Saint Stéphane, 7 rue Georges Bizet, 75016 Paris.

-Sunday 10am. Russian Orthodox Rite mass Cathédrale de la Sainte Trinité, 1 qui Branly, 75007 Paris 

-Sunday 10am. Russian Orthodox Rite mass Institut Saint Serge 93 rue de Crimée 75019 Paris.

-Friday afternoon, time to be confirmed. Prayer. Institut Musulman -Grande mosquée de Paris, 2 bis Place du Puits de l'Ermite, 75005 Paris 

-Friday afternoon, Grande Synagogue de Paris, 44 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris. Bring your identity card.


Indicative general bibliography

Rémy Brague, Sur la religion, Paris, Flammarion, 2018

François Boespflug, Dieu et ses images, Une histoire de l’Éternel dans l’art, Paris, Bayard, 2011

Philippe Charru Quand le lointain se fait proche, la musique, une voie spirituelle, Paris Seuil, 2011


Each course will be accompanied by a more detailed bibliography and a few reference texts.


Evaluation: Essay


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