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The art of painting is made up of 2 parts, which are very distinct yet indivisible.

The first one is the painter's need to express their emotions and transcribe them with the means at their disposal: lines, colors,  shadows and lights, in order to communicate them, the techniques and processes needed to achieve on canvas the scheduling of colors that will produce that alchemy capable of moving us.

Alchemy, because although the means used are relatively simple: brushes, colors and medium, the infinite possibilities of combination are more a matter of feeling than of material, and can sometimes reach perfection.

In this seminar, the focus is to initiate a painter's specific technical approaches and put them into practice.

This ability to observe in depth proves to be useful in all aspects of life and enhances our perception of the universe that surrounds us.

Indeed, the seminar is mainly an initiation, most students who are discovering the discipline, those who have already practiced painting can also find their place and perfect their skills. The individual attention given to each student enables everyone to progress, whatever their initial level.

The seminar covers color theory and color practice, as well as surface form and composition, modeling, color value and perspective...
The technique proposed is oil painting.
All materials are provided.


  • Charles Bouleau. La géométrie secrète des peintres. Le Seuil 1963
  • Marc Havel. la technique du tableau. Dessain et Tolra 1974
  • Xavier de Langlais. La technique de la peinture a l'huile. Flamarion 1959
  • Frans Gerritsen. Présence de la couleur. Dessain et Tolra 1983
  • Joannes Itten. Art de la couleur. Dessain et Tolra 1981


The work done will be evaluated after each session, and at the end of the seminar.
Grades will be averaged, taking into account the work done, involvement and attendance.


Course language : French

ECTS Credits : 1

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