Enrolment options

Do sciences have a history? Often celebrated for their universality, the sciences can seem timeless. Yet scientific and technological knowledge is developed by men and women; they evolve in social times and spaces, interacting with other cultural, social, economic activities etc.

The seminar aims to develop a reflective approach to sciences while providing an introduction to research in the history of sciences. The presentation of major themes in contemporary research will enable the discovery of the richness of highly interdisciplinary approaches, particularly implicating history, philosophy, and sociology.


Research projects on the École's historical collections

In order to enable each student to deepen their own interests (a particular science or technique, historical period or specific theme), the seminar gives an opportunity to develop personal or group projects from the École Polytechnique's heritage collections.

It includes instruments, rare works, manuscripts, photographs, drawings and engravings from the 15th century to the present day. It enables us to elaborate original works whose value can be increased in the form of publications, documentary films or scenographic displays for exhibitions. The great richness of these collections also allows for a wide variety of research themes, from the point of view of scientific fields and technological objects, to other fields such as the arts, philosophy, literature and so on.

During the first two sessions, each student will be guided in the choice of a project theme. The seminar will then alternate between PC classes and group work sessions at the BCX Historical Resource Center where the École's historical collections will be available to students.


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