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Advanced Microeconomics (ECO 301)

In Advanced Microeconomics (ECO 301), we study advanced topics in undergraduate-level microeconomics. With the highest rigor required at the undergraduate level, we aim to study how analytical tools of modern economics are used in the topics in microeconomics, such as game theory, industrial organization, information economics, contracts, public economics, market design, etc. Students are expected to obtain theoretical understanding beyond the competitive equilibrium, especially with presence of asymmetric information, strategic interactions, as well as applications to market design, and/or mechanism design in general.

The mathematical treatments are rigorous but not as much as at the graduate level. This course will be thus most useful as a preparation for formal graduate studies in Economics.


·         Osborne, M., “An Introduction to Game Theory” Oxford University Press, 2004

·         Jehle G.A. and Reny P.J., “Advanced Microeconomic Theory” (3rd Edition) Pearson, 2011

·         Hindriks J. and Myles G.D., “Intermediate Public Economics” MIT Press, 2006

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