Topics from previous years
Perfilado de sección
- Stable Diffusion for Scientific Illustration (
- Reinforcement Learning based AI for real-time shooting games (Tristan Cazenave)
- Image-based 3D modeling (
- Virtual mirror for interactive cloth design (Marie-Paule Cani)
- Targeted data generation for machine learning control (Arnaud de la Fortelle/Mines)
- Reinforcement Learning based AI strategy-based game (Tristant Caznave)
- Point cloud colorization for OS1-128 Lidar sensor (Mathieu Brédif)
- Multi-scale reconstruction of the mobility of prehistoric humans (Marie-Paule Cani)
- Spatio Temporal Neural Radiance Field for aerial data (Mathieu Brédif,
- Learning to reconstruct precise surfaces from voxel representations (Amal Dev Parakkat,
- Le dessin d'esquisse et la notion de courbure (Renaud Chabrier,
- HoloGAN set up (Maks Ovjanikov)
- Detection and localisation of scratches on car pictures (Belhal Karimi)
- Alignment of 2D geologic maps for 3D digital terrain modeling (Pooran Memari)
- Realistic particle collision engine in video game (Raphael Granier de Cassagnac)
- Geometric analysis of uncertain scalar fields (Pooran Memari)
- 3D Multi-Resolution Visualization of Neuro-Imaging Acquisition (Damien Rohmer, Anatole Chessel)
- Barcode embeddings for metric graphics (Steve Oudot)
- Monocular Depth Estimation (Renaud Keriven)
- Deep learning for 3D point cloud segmentation (Renaud Keriven)
- Anomaly detection of time series (Yanlei Diao)
- Clustering and embeddings techniques for medical data (Jesse Read)
- Deep learning for image registration (Stephanie Allassonnière)
- Transfert de mouvement à d’autres morphologies (Marie-Paule Cani and Damien Rohmer, LIX)
- De l’image d’un troupeau à un animal animé (Marie-Paule Cani and Damien Rohmer, LIX)
- Analyse de corrélations et visualisation de données archéologiques (Pooran Memari)
- Animer un objet 3D par la voix (Marie-Paule Cani and Damien Rohmer, LIX)
- Social network visualization with geographic constraints (L. Castelli Aleardi, LIX)
- Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval (par M. Ovsjanikov, LIX)
- capture de la réalité et nouveaux défis (par Renaud Keriven, DIX)
- On Support Vector Clustering (Frank Nielsen, DIX)
- On robust and efficient implementation of k-levels of 3D arrangements of planes with applications (Frank Nielsen, DIX)
- On visualizing tensor fields with applications (Frank Nielsen, DIX)
- Distributed Delaunay Triangulation (Pooran Memari, LIX)