PHY599 research internship aims to introduce students to research in the field of quantum techonologies. This research field is based on the control of individual quantum objects and aims to develop new quantum devices based on superposition and entanglement principles. It is an emerging field bringing together physicists of condensed matter, cold atoms, optics, metrology and computer scientists and material chemists.

By the field's multidisciplinary nature and its high applied potential, the internship is designed to students motivated by a career in academic research, those who are more industry-oriented, and more generally to all those who are curious about the research profession. It is necessary to have taken some courses of the Quantum Technologies PA, according to the internship topic.

During the internship, students will be immersed in a state-of-the-art laboratory where they will learn new concepts and techniques, both in an experimental and theorical level. This direct contact with research - fundamental or applied - will allow them to develop their creativity and imagination qualities. The internship can take place in France or abroad. It will be carried out on a full-time basis for 4-5 months (from April to July/August). In the best case, it could lead to an original research work and a publication.



Quantum technology field being transverse, we can classify it in different ways. As it is mainly based on the control of individual quantum objects, we can classify it by the type of physical system involved:

  • superconductor quantum circuit, based on Josephon junctions;
  • systems involving spin electronics or nuclear (diamond NV centers or single-electron transistors in seminconductor nanostructures);
  • photons (captured in cavities or spread in optical fibers);
  • warm and cold atoms (Rydberg atoms or Bose–Einstein condensates);
  • ions captured electromagnetically and laser cooled;
  • mechanical oscillator (electromechanic nanosystems).

It can also be classified in terms of potential applications. There are four application fields:

  • Calculation and quantum computing (parallel processing of the information through specific quantum algorithms, quantum machine learning);
  • Quantum communications (quantum cryptography, remote interfacing by entanglement, quantum state transfer between different physical systems);
  • Quantum simulations (simulating the behavior of quantum systems with large numbers of particles in the presence of interaction and/or disorder);
  • Quantum sensors and metrology (use superposition and/or entanglement to push the boundaries of detection, and redefine measurement standards).

All the topics mentioned above can be explored from an experimental and theorical perspective.

Depending on the system studied, experimental, design, control and measuring techniques differ. Here are some techniques that the intern will potentially discover: nanoelectron lithography and nanofabrication in white room, microscopy (electronic, tunneling, atomic force), ultra-low noise electronics, radiofrequence measures, cryogenics, lasers, interfeometry, capturing and cooling atoms, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance... On the theorical level, the intern with analytical techniques of advanced static physics and quantum mechanics of N_body systems and/or use modern digital simulating tools, including on high performance supercomputers.

Course language: French and English