- MAT568 (General Relativity)

PHY568 EA: Students who take the General Relativity course can choose as EA  the physics course (PHY568) whish is held in parallel. Evaluation will be either the PHY568 exam, or a personal work about a scientific text with a defense. Reciprocally, students of the Physics PA following the PHY568 course can choose as EA the MAT568 course.

This course offers several in-depth directions: either in a pure mathematics framework, typically for physician students wishing deepn mathematics aspects of some questions about General Relativity or in a theorical framework; or more with physics, or more closely exploring various generalizations of the theory which lean on geometry concepts playing a key role in the modern differential geometry.


EA examples:

  • Blaxk hole rigidity according to Carter, Robinson and Hawking
  • Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems
  • De Sitter and anti-de Sitter solutions
  • Minkowski non-linear stability of time space
  • Classic Yang-Mills equations


Course language: French