Soil pollution and remediation
The aim of the Soil pollution and remediation course is to offer an overview of the main concepts related to the management of polluted site. The main type of pollutants we have to face and their behavior is developed. General considerations for an effective management of groundwater and risk assessment evaluation at polluted site are reported. Then methodology for diagnosis and technologies available for remediation of soil, soil gas and groundwater are explained and put in practice through: i) the illustration of real case; ii) practical courses on medium sampling; iii) application of the knowledge to a real case (via practical courses and homework) and finally by a study visit at a contaminated site.
Teaching staff
- Hubert Leprond, Unit Leader, BRGM
- Valérie Guérin, researcher, BRGM
- Stéfan Colombano, researcher, BRGM
- Virginie Derycke, researcher, BRGM
- Elsa Limasset, researcher, BRGM
- Thierry Gisbert, Environment Business Practice Manager, Arcadis
Course outline
- Contaminated soil policy
- Introduction to the French policy
- Comparison to other policies (homework from the student)
- Key concepts for contaminated soil management
- Pollutant behavior in the environment: typology of pollutant of concern at industrial site; mechanisms governing their mobility
- Groundwater: introduction to key concept necessary for managing contaminated site
- Risk assessment
- Pollution diagnosis
- Diagnosis: dimensioning and choice of the technologies: groundwater, soil and soil gas
- Application to a concrete case study (practical work and homework)
- Training to soil, soil gas and groundwater sampling
- Remediation and management technologies
- Presentation of the different technologies
- Illustration of a real case
- Application to a concrete case study (practical work)
- Study visit
Full day visit of a real case soil contaminated sites: at diagnosis or remediation stage; or visit to the experimental facilities at BRGM and conferences either on ecosystem services, mine closure, etc. (presentation by PhD students and/or scientific directors)
The choice will be dependent of the interest of the available site.
The module includes 14 hours of courses, 10 hours of practical work, a one-day visit, and 8 hours of homework
Level required: basic knowledge in chemistry, geology and hydrogeology
Language: English
Credits ECTS: 6
Supervisor: Valérie Guérin
- Responsable: Cavelan Amélie