The objective of the course is to present the basics of turbulence. Some of the consequences of these advancements will be explored in the context of turbulence modeling.

Course content:

- statistical description of turbulence; fundamental concepts: isotropy, homogeneity, equilibrium
- concept of the turbulence model
- concept of coherent event; definition of a vortex
- dynamics of isotropic turbulence: kinetic energy cascade; triadic interactions; Waleffe hypothesis; modeling: k-epsilon, EDQNM
- dynamics of anisotropic homogeneous flows: shear, deformation and rotation; introduction to the theory of fast distortion; modeling: k-epsilon
- turbulent boundary layer: dynamics; description of the mean flow; role of vortices/coherent structures; concept of self-sustaining processes in turbulent shear flows; modeling: k-epsilon

Level required: Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics