This course defines the various segments of the energy value chain. It further describes the

industry organisation, market arrangements and strategy of players for each of them. It

introduces energy macro-economic models and how they define primary energy and final energy

demand or supply. The module will also cover the major geopolitical issues which affect the

energy industry and markets.

A particular focus will be done on major energy players including International Energy

Companies, National Energy Companies, utilities and energy service focused companies, in

addition to new players in the energy market. This focus will cover corporate strategy, market

challenges, opportunities, and key financial analysis approach. And finally, the course will

introduce different financing structuring techniques used and commonly practiced in the capital-

intensive energy sector.

Lecturer: Jean-Michel Gauthier

This course will provide participants with a broad description of the intricacy of contractual arrangements, market and regulations. First, we will cover the various business arrangements including contractual arrangement (mid and long term). Second, we study Market mechanisms; physical vs financial, Regulated vs Over The Counter (OTC). And finally we will look into regulatory packages governing the Gas and Electricity infrastructures (including the status of transmission system operators and distribution system operators around the world).


Langue du cours : English