Big data sociology

Course, second periodi


For two decades, the number of digital available skyrocketed. Collected by sensors installed in our daily life, this information is a digital record of individual and society. This evolution, combined to the use of technologies to treat them (first and foremost AI), has caused intense debates.

How do they change our lives? From social science work that invested various fields going through these big data, the aim of this course is to provide precise answers to the questions that have been raised in the public debate. Rather than giving a too general overview, we will cover specific topics. Among those: work (are we witnessing a labor market urbanisation?), privacy (are we witnessing a feeling, meeting commodification), science (do we really know more today?) and techniques (what can AI do?), political organization and public debate (is democracy possible with mass surveillance and social media?). From these examples, this course will study the transformations involved in this new disponibility of data, and the structures that collect, transport and store them.