Prerequisites: ECO101, ECO102

Intermediate Microeconomics

(ECO201) focuses on the study of

consumer and producer decisions and

interactions. It also introduces the

students to decision-making under

uncertainty and basic portfolio

theory, market equilibrium and

general equilibrium of the economy,

monopolistic and oligopolistic competition

among firms and other forms of strategic

interaction studied in Game Theory.

Additional issues are reviewed, including

conditions for market efficiency, public

goods, the effect of strategically used

private information, market failures and

their remedies, etc.


Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern

Approach by Hal R. Varian.

consumption,investment,moneysupply,interestrate,inflation,unemployment,andGDPgrowth. Students investigatetheroleofmonetaryandfiscalpolicy, whilereviewinginternationalissues,suchasthebehaviorofexchangeratesand capitalflows.