Quantum optics: lasers and atoms
Course taught in English
This course is dedicated to the description of the interaction of light with atoms. In particular, we describe the principle of operation of lasers. The laser is described both from the point of view of the physicist, for its unique physical properties, and from the point of view of applications. Some of the revolutions based on the development of lasers are introduced, such as the laser cooling techniques on which all modern cold atom physics is based.
- Transition probabilities
- Atom-light interaction
- Principle and properties of lasers
- Laser dynamics
- Elements of statistical optics. Application to laser coherence and linewidth
- Laser applications
- Manipulation of atoms with light. Cold atoms
Prerequisites : PHY430 – Advanced quantum physics or any equivalent quantum mechanics training
Credits ECTS : 5
- Profesor: Aspect Alain
- Profesor: Bretenaker Fabien
- Profesor: Olivier Nicolas