Opciones de matriculación

MAA204 is an introductory course in statistics, with complements in probability. Topics include displaying and describing data in one or two dimensions, writing a statistical model, providing probabilistic properties of this model and establishing limit theorem. This will finally allow the introduction of the first basics in inferential statistics (estimators, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing).

The final grade is computed with the formula 

max(exam grade, 0.5*(exam grade + small classes grade))

A litteral grade is then given based on the following rule 

[0,7[ = E ; [7,9[ = D ; [9,10[ = C ; [10,11[ = B- ; [11,12[ = B ; [12,14[ = B+ ; [14,16[ = A- ; [16,18[ = A ; [18,20] = A+.

To validate the minimal grade is C.


MAA204 is an introductory course in statistics, with complements in probability. Topics include displaying and describing data, writing a statistical model, introduction to statistical inference, confidence intervals, approximations with the Central Limit Theorem.

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