Enrolment options

Friday, 8:30/10:30, Amphitheatre Cauchy

Pr Nicolas Roussellier

Major Issues in Today’s World and the Place of France


The course is designed to give a broad and comprehensive view of the political and social place of France in today’s globalized world. Two themes will be addressed this year in order to understand the originality of French Politics. First, we will study the question of the French democracy and its difficulties. French Politics have gone through many different political regimes (Monarchy under different styles, two Bonapartist Empires, five different forms of Republic, Vichy’s Dictatorship) and recurrent upheavals from the Revolution of 1789 to the “Gilets Jaunes” of 2018. It is this “French instability” which is at the core of the First part of the course. Secondly, the course will address the issue of the French Secularism, the “laïcité à la française”. It was in the history and it is still today one of the great challenges of the French society and the French democracy.


Organization of the course

-          Two parts, one on the question of the French Democracy, one on the issue of French Secularism (“laïcité”)

-          8 Lectures on Part One with a Midterm exam

-          3 Lectures on Part Two (French Secularism)

-          Final Written Exam on both parts (Democracy and Secularism)


Sessions on ZOOM

Friday, 8:30 to 10:15

45 mn of Lecture on Zoom

15 mn of break

45 mn of discussion with questions by Zoom

This course is not open to International Exchange program students

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